
This page will guide you through the steps to get your first selective indexer up and running in a few minutes without getting too deep into the details.

Let's create an indexer for the tzBTC FA1.2 token contract. Our goal is to save all token transfers to the database and then calculate some statistics of its holders' activity.

Install DipDup

A modern Linux/macOS distribution with Python 3.11 installed is required to run DipDup.

The easiest way to install DipDup as a CLI application pipx. We have a convenient wrapper script that installs DipDup for the current user. Run the following command in your terminal:

curl -Lsf https://dipdup.io/install.py | python3

See the Installation page for all options.

Create a project

DipDup CLI has a built-in project generator. Run the following command in your terminal:

dipdup new

For educational purposes, we'll create a project from scratch, so choose [none] network and demo_blank template.

Want to skip a tutorial? Choose Tezos and demo_token instead!

Follow the instructions; the project will be created in the new directory.

Write a configuration file

In the project root, you'll find a file named dipdup.yaml. It's the main configuration file of your indexer. We will discuss it in detail in the Config section; for now just replace its content with the following:

spec_version: 2.0
package: demo_token

    kind: tezos
    address: KT1PWx2mnDueood7fEmfbBDKx1D9BAnnXitn
    typename: tzbtc

    kind: tezos.tzkt
    url: https://api.tzkt.io

    template: tzbtc_holders
      contract: tzbtc_mainnet
      datasource: tzkt_mainnet

    kind: tezos.tzkt.operations
    datasource: <datasource>
      - <contract>
      - callback: on_transfer
          - destination: <contract>
            entrypoint: transfer
      - callback: on_mint
          - destination: <contract>
            entrypoint: mint

Generate types and stubs

Now it's time to generate typeclasses and callback stubs based on definitions from config. Examples below use demo_token as a package name; yours may differ.

Run the following command:

dipdup init

DipDup will create a Python package demo_token with everything you need to start writing your indexer. Use package tree command to see the generated structure:

$ dipdup package tree
demo_token [.]
├── abi
├── configs
   ├── dipdup.compose.yaml
   ├── dipdup.sqlite.yaml
   ├── dipdup.swarm.yaml
   └── replay.yaml
├── deploy
   ├── .env.default
   ├── Dockerfile
   ├── compose.sqlite.yaml
   ├── compose.swarm.yaml
   ├── compose.yaml
   ├── sqlite.env.default
   └── swarm.env.default
├── graphql
├── handlers
   ├── on_balance_update.py
   ├── on_mint.py
   └── on_transfer.py
├── hasura
├── hooks
   ├── on_index_rollback.py
   ├── on_reindex.py
   ├── on_restart.py
   └── on_synchronized.py
├── models
   └── __init__.py
├── sql
├── types
   ├── tzbtc/tezos_parameters/mint.py
   ├── tzbtc/tezos_parameters/transfer.py
   └── tzbtc/tezos_storage.py
└── py.typed

That's a lot of files and directories! But don't worry, we will need only models and handlers sections in this guide.

Define data models

DipDup supports storing data in SQLite, PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB databases. We use custom ORM based on Tortoise ORM as an abstraction layer.

First, you need to define a model class. Our schema will consist of a single model Holder with the following fields:

addressaccount address
balancetoken amount held by the account
turnovertotal amount of transfer/mint calls
tx_countnumber of transfers/mints
last_seentime of the last transfer/mint

Here's how to implement this model in DipDup:

from dipdup import fields
from dipdup.models import Model

class Holder(Model):
    address = fields.TextField(pk=True)
    balance = fields.DecimalField(decimal_places=8, max_digits=20, default=0)
    turnover = fields.DecimalField(decimal_places=8, max_digits=20, default=0)
    tx_count = fields.BigIntField(default=0)
    last_seen = fields.DatetimeField(null=True)

Implement handlers

Everything's ready to implement an actual indexer logic.

Our task is to index all the balance updates, so we'll start with a helper method to handle them. Create a file named on_balance_update.py in the handlers package with the following content:

from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

import demo_token.models as models

async def on_balance_update(
    address: str,
    balance_update: Decimal,
    timestamp: datetime,
) -> None:
    holder, _ = await models.Holder.get_or_create(address=address)
    holder.balance += balance_update
    holder.turnover += abs(balance_update)
    holder.tx_count += 1
    holder.last_seen = timestamp
    await holder.save()

Three methods of tzBTC contract can alter token balances — transfer, mint, and burn. The last one is omitted in this tutorial for simplicity. Edit corresponding handlers to call the on_balance_update method with data from matched operations:

from decimal import Decimal

from demo_token.handlers.on_balance_update import on_balance_update
from demo_token.types.tzbtc.tezos_parameters.transfer import TransferParameter
from demo_token.types.tzbtc.tezos_storage import TzbtcStorage
from dipdup.context import HandlerContext
from dipdup.models.tezos_tzkt import TzktTransaction

async def on_transfer(
    ctx: HandlerContext,
    transfer: TzktTransaction[TransferParameter, TzbtcStorage],
) -> None:
    if transfer.parameter.from_ == transfer.parameter.to:
        # NOTE: Internal tzBTC transfer

    amount = Decimal(transfer.parameter.value) / (10**8)
    await on_balance_update(
    await on_balance_update(
from decimal import Decimal

from demo_token.handlers.on_balance_update import on_balance_update
from demo_token.types.tzbtc.tezos_parameters.mint import MintParameter
from demo_token.types.tzbtc.tezos_storage import TzbtcStorage
from dipdup.context import HandlerContext
from dipdup.models.tezos_tzkt import TzktTransaction

async def on_mint(
    ctx: HandlerContext,
    mint: TzktTransaction[MintParameter, TzbtcStorage],
) -> None:
    amount = Decimal(mint.parameter.value) / (10**8)
    await on_balance_update(

And that's all! We can run the indexer now.

Next steps

Run the indexer in memory:

dipdup run

Store data in SQLite database:

dipdup -c . -c configs/dipdup.sqlite.yaml run

Or spawn a Compose stack with PostgreSQL and Hasura:

cd deploy
cp .env.default .env
# Edit .env file before running
docker-compose up

DipDup will fetch all the historical data and then switch to realtime updates. You can check the progress in the logs.

If you use SQLite, run this query to check the data:

sqlite3 demo_token.sqlite 'SELECT * FROM holder LIMIT 10'

If you run a Compose stack, check open in your browser to see the Hasura console (an exposed port may differ). You can use it to explore the database and build GraphQL queries.

Congratulations! You've just created your first DipDup indexer. Proceed to the Getting Started section to learn more about DipDup configuration and features.

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