Table of Contents


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

7.5.9 - 2024-07-20


  • Improve fetching event batches from node.
  • models: Fixed CachedModel preloading.

7.5.8 - 2024-07-04


  • deps: Removed pyarrow from dependencies, bumped web3.
  • project: Fixed make image target command.

7.5.7 - 2024-05-30


  • config: Fixed setting logging levels according to the config.
  • Fixed matching logs when filtering by topic0.

7.5.6 - 2024-05-16


  • cli: Improved logging of indexer status.
  • performance: Fixed estimation indexing speed in levels per second.


  • api: /performance endpoint response format has been changed.
  • performance: All time intervals are now measured in seconds.
  • performance: Several metrics have been renamed and new ones have been added.

7.5.5 - 2024-04-17


  • evm.subsquid: evm.node datasources can be used as index datasources.

7.5.4 - 2024-04-09


  • config: Don't raise ConfigurationError from some model validators.
  • config: Fixed crash when database path is relative and nested.
  • config: Fixed issue with from filter being ignored.
  • config: Forbid extra arguments in config mappings.

7.5.3 - 2024-03-28


  • tezos.tzkt.operations: Fixed missing operations when handler pattern contains item without entrypoint.

7.5.2 - 2024-03-20


  • evm.node: Fixed updating dipdup_head table when head block is received.
  • tezos.tzkt.operations: Fixed crash when handler definition contains optional items.

7.5.1 - 2024-03-17


  • evm.node: Fixed default ratelimit sleep time being too high.
  • evm.subsquid.transactions: Fixed issue with node_only flag ignored.


  • evm.subsquid: Dynamically adjust the batch size when syncing with node.

7.5.0 - 2024-03-08


  • config: Added http.polling_interval option to set the interval between polling requests (some datasources).
  • hasura: Allow bulk request type in custom metadata files.


  • abi.etherscan: Raise AbiNotAvailableError when contract is not verified.
  • cli: Fixed incorrect indexer status logging.
  • evm.node: Fixed memory leak when using realtime subscriptions.
  • evm.node: Fixed processing chain reorgs.
  • evm.node: Respect http.batch_size when fetching block headers.


  • hasura: Apply table customizations in a single request.
  • performance: Collect hit/miss stats for cached models.
  • performance: Decrease main loop and node polling intervals.
  • performance: Drop caches when all indexes have reached realtime.

6.5.16 - 2024-03-07

This is the last release in the 6.5 branch. Please update to 7.x to get the latest features and bug fixes.


  • tzkt: Don't use deprecated /events WebSockets endpoint.


  • deps: Updated pytezos to 3.11.3.
  • metadata: Added oxfordnet to supported networks.

7.4.0 - 2024-02-20


  • cli: Added --template option to new command to skip template selection.
  • evm.subsquid.transactions: Added evm.subsquid.transactions index kind to process EVM transactions.


  • cli: Fixed crash when running init command with a config outside of the project directory.
  • codegen: Don't create intermediate events.json file in ABI directory.
  • evm.subsquid: When request to worker fails, ask router for another one instead of retrying the same worker.

7.3.2 - 2024-02-06




  • cli: Do not consider config as oneshot if tezos.tzkt.head index is present.
  • codegen: Allow dots to be used in typenames indicating nested packages.
  • evm.node: Make withdrawals_root field optional in EvmNodeHeadData model.
  • http: Fixed crash on some datasource URLs.


  • Increase indexing speed when using EVM node.

7.3.1 - 2024-01-29


  • codegen: Always cleanup jsonschemas before generating types.
  • config: Make ws_url field optional for evm.node datasource.

7.3.0 - 2024-01-23


  • tezos.tzkt.operations: Added new operation type sr_execute for Etherlink smart rollups.


  • abi.etherscan: Fixed handling "rate limit reached" errors.
  • cli: Fixed setting logger levels based on config and env variables.
  • http: Fixed incorrect number of retries performed on failed requests.

7.2.2 - 2023-12-27


  • evm.subsquid: Last mile indexing is significantly faster now.
  • tezos.tzkt: Fixed an issue with approving schema after reindexing triggered by rollback.

7.2.1 - 2023-12-12


  • cli: Added DIPDUP_CONFIG and DIPDUP_ENV_FILE environment variables corresponding to --config and --env-file options.


  • evm.node: Fixed crash on anonymous event logs during the last mile indexing.
  • evm.node: Raise an exception when no realtime messages have been received in http.connection_timeout seconds.

6.5.15 - 2023-12-01


  • deps: Updated pytezos to 3.10.3.

7.2.0 - 2023-11-30


  • api: Added HTTP API to manage a running indexer.
  • config: Added http.request_timeout option to set the total timeout for HTTP requests.
  • evm.subsquid: Added Prometheus metrics required for Subsquid Cloud deployments.
  • project: Added optional package_manager field to replay config.
  • project: Added Makefile to the default project template (only for new projects).
  • tezos.tzkt: Added support for Etherlink smart rollups (sr1… addresses).


  • cli: Don't suppress uncaught exceptions when performance monitoring is disabled.
  • codegen: Use datamodel-code-generator from the project's virtualenv.
  • evm.node: Fixed an issue with realtime subscriptions which led to indexing being stuck in some cases.
  • http: Use request_timeout instead of connection_timeout for total timeout.
  • install: Don't install datamodel-code-generator as a CLI tool.
  • install: Respect package manager if specified in pyproject.toml.


  • Request logs in batches to speed up the last mile indexing.


7.1.1 - 2023-11-07


  • cli: Fixed crash on early Python 3.11 releases.
  • project: Update default Docker tag for TimescaleDB HA.

7.1.0 - 2023-10-27


  • cli: Added --unsafe, --compose, --internal flags to config env command.
  • cli: Added missing short equivalents for options in some commands.
  • cli: Relative paths to be initialized now can be passed to the init command as arguments.
  • tezos.tzkt.token_balances: Added new index.


  • cli: Fixed DIPDUP_DEBUG not being applied to the package logger.
  • tezos.tzkt.token_transfers: Fixed filtering transfers by token_id.

6.5.14 - 2023-10-20


  • token_transfer: Fixed filtering transfers by token_id.

7.0.2 - 2023-10-10


  • database: Added dipdup_wipe and dipdup_approve SQL functions to the schema.


  • cli: Fixed schema wipe command for SQLite databases.
  • tezos.tzkt: Fixed regression in get_transactions method pagination.

6.5.13 - 2023-10-10


  • tzkt: Fixed regression in get_transactions method pagination.

7.0.1 - 2023-09-30


  • env: Added DIPDUP_DEBUG environment variable to enable debug logging.


  • cli: Use correct data path with timescaledb-ha Docker image.
  • demos: Fixed decimal overflow in demo_uniswap project.
  • evm.node: Fixed incorrect log request parameters.
  • Fixed issue with determining the last level when syncing with node.
  • hasura: Increated retry count for initial connection (healthcheck).

7.0.0 - 2023-09-25


  • cli: Import package submodules before starting indexing to fail early on import errors.
  • cli: Fixed ordering of crash reports in report group commands.
  • evm.node: Fixed parsing topics and integers in datasource models.
  • Fixed incorrect log request parameters.
  • install: Fixed issue with interpreting user answers in some cases.
  • tezos.tzkt: Fixed operation matching when contract code hash specified as a string.
  • tezos.tzkt: Fixed issue with processing rollbacks while sync is in progress.
  • Fixed parsing contract event data.
  • tezos.tzkt.operations: Fixed parsing operations with empty parameters.

6.5.12 - 2023-09-15


  • tzkt: Fixed issue with processing rollbacks while sync is in progress.
  • tzkt: Fixed operation matching when contract code hash specified as a string.
  • tzkt: Fixed parsing contract event data.

7.0.0rc5 - 2023-09-06


  • evm.subsquid: Create a separate aiohttp session for each worker.
  • Sync to last_level if specified in config.
  • evm.node: Set timestamp field to the block timestamp.

6.5.11 - 2023-09-02


  • index: Fixed crash when parsing typed transactions with empty parameter.
  • tzkt: Fixed pagination when requesting transactions.
  • tzkt: Use cursor iteration where possible.

7.0.0rc4 - 2023-08-23


  • models: Added optional maxsize meta field to CachedModel to limit the LRU cache size.


  • cli: Fixed config export --full command showing original config.
  • cli: Keep the last 100 reports only.
  • cli: Fixed schema wipe command crash due to dipdup_meta table being always immune.
  • config: Don't create empty SentryConfig if DSN is not set.
  • context: Share internal state between context instances.
  • evm.node: Fixed keepalive loop for websocket connection.
  • evm.node: Fixed parsing empty realtime message payloads.
  • jobs: Don't add jobs before scheduler is started.
  • package: Fixed package detection for poetry managed projects.
  • package: Fixed mypy command in default template.
  • package: Create package symlink only when needed.


  • cli: report command renamed to report ls.

7.0.0rc3 - 2023-08-05


  • ci: Fixed dipdup package metadata.
  • cli: Generate base template from replay only when --base flag is set.
  • cli: Remove cached jsonschemas when calling init --force.
  • codegen: Filter jsonschemas by prefixes supported by code generator.
  • index: Fixed crash when parsing typed transactions with empty parameter.
  • index: Remove Python limitation on large int<->str conversions.
  • package: Create jsonschemas directory if not exists.
  • package: Don't create empty pyproject.toml during init.
  • package: Fixed discovery of the package when workdir is project root.

6.5.10 - 2023-08-02


  • index: Remove Python limitation on large int<->str conversions.

7.0.0rc2 - 2023-07-26


  • package: Create missing files from project base on init.
  • package: Update replay.yaml on init.
  • demos: Don't include database config in root config.

7.0.0rc1 - 2023-07-21


  • abi.etherscan: Added abi.etherscan datasource to fetch ABIs from Etherscan.
  • api: Added /performance endpoint to request indexing stats.
  • cli: Added report command group to manage performance and crash reports created by DipDup.
  • config: Added advanced.decimal_precision field to overwrite precision if it's not guessed correctly based on project models.
  • config: Added advanced.unsafe_sqlite field to disable journaling and data integrity checks.
  • config: Added advanced.api section to configure monitoring API exposed by DipDup.
  • config: Added advanced.metrics field to configure amount of gathered metrics.
  • config: Added http.alias field to overwrite alias of datasource HTTP gateway.
  • database: Added dipdup_meta immune table to store arbitrary JSON values.
  • database: Added experimental support for immune tables in SQLite.
  • evm.node: Added evm.node datasource to receive events from Ethereum node and use web3 API.
  • evm.subsquid: Added evm.subsquid datasource to fetch historical data from Subsquid Archives.
  • Added index to process event logs from Subsquid Archives.


  • database: Fixed OperationalError raised in some cases after calling bulk_create.
  • database: Allow running project scripts and queries on SQLite.
  • database: Don't cleanup model updates on every loop.


  • ci: Docker images are now based on Debian 12.
  • cli: config env --file option renamed to --output.
  • cli: Commands to manage local dipdup installation moved to the self group.
  • cli: init --overwrite-types flag renamed to --force and now also affects ABIs.
  • config: advanced.rollback_depth value set based on indexes used in the project if not set explicitly.
  • config: logging field now can contain either loglevel or name-loglevel mapping.
  • context: Signature of add_contract method has changed.
  • database: EnumField now uses TEXT type instead of VARCHAR(n).
  • database: Querysets are no longer copied between chained method calls (.filter().order_by().limit())
  • database: Store datasource aliases instead of URLs in dipdup_head table.
  • models: User models must use field classes from dipdup.fields module instead of tortoise.fields.
  • tezos.tzkt: Signatures of [get/iter]_similar_contracts and [get/iter]_originated_contracts methods have changed.
  • tezos.tzkt.head: Replaced handlers section with a single callback field in config.


  • ci: -slim and -pytezos Docker images are no longer published.
  • ci: Docker images no longer contain git, poetry and custom scripts.
  • cli: Removed dipdup-install alias to dipdup.install.
  • cli: Removed status command.
  • config: Removed similar_to filter of operation index pattern.
  • config: Removed # dipdup: ignore hint used to ignore typeclass during init.
  • config: Removed advanced.metadata_interface flag (always enabled).
  • sentry: Removed crash_reporting flag and built-in DSN.


  • tzkt: Request plain values instead of mappings from TzKT when possible.

6.5.9 - 2023-07-11


  • tzkt: Optimized queries for operation_unfiltered index.

6.5.8 - 2023-06-28


  • cli: Fixed init crash when package name is equal to one of the project typenames.

6.5.7 - 2023-05-30


  • config: Added advanced.decimal_precision option to adjust decimal context precision.


  • database: Fixed OperationalError raised in some cases after calling bulk_create.
  • database: Allow running project scripts and queries on SQLite.
  • database: Don't cleanup model updates on every loop.
  • http: Mark asyncio.TimeoutError exception as safe to retry.


  • http: Deserialize JSON responses with orjson.

6.5.6 - 2023-05-02


  • config: Fixed crash due to incorrect parsing of event index definitions.
  • http: Fixed waiting for response indefinitely when IPFS hash is not available.


  • ci: Slim Docker image updated to Alpine 3.17.
  • metadata: Added nairobinet to supported networks.

6.5.5 - 2023-04-17


  • config: Enable early realtime mode when config contains bigmap indexes with skip_history.
  • http: Fixed crash when using custom datasources.
  • index: Allow mixing source and entrypoint filters in operation index pattern.


  • ci: Default git branch switched to next.

6.5.4 - 2023-03-31


  • config: Fixed incorrest parsing of token_transfer index filters.


  • deps: Updated pytezos to 3.9.0.

6.5.3 - 2023-03-28


  • cli: Don't enforce logging DeprecationWarning warnings.
  • cli: Fixed BrokenPipeError messages when interrupting with DipDup with SIGINT.
  • config: Fixed crash when token_transfer index has from or to filter.


6.5.2 - 2023-03-09


  • codegen: Fixed type generation for contracts with "default" entrypoint.
  • metadata: Add "mumbainet" to available networks.
  • sentry: Fixed bug leading to crash reports not being sent in some cases.
  • sentry: Fixed crash report grouping.


  • ci: -slim images will be based on Ubuntu instead of Alpine in the next major release.

6.5.1 - 2023-02-21


  • codegen: Fixed bug leading to incorrect imports in generated callbacks in some cases.
  • codegen: Fixed validation of created package after dipdup init.
  • config: Allow using empty string as default env ({DEFAULT_EMPTY:-}).


  • deps: Updated pydantic to 1.10.5
  • deps: Updated datamodel-code-generator to 0.17.1
  • deps: Updated tortoise-orm to 0.19.3
  • deps: Updated pytezos to 3.8.0

6.5.0 - 2023-01-28


  • hasura: Apply arbitrary metadata from hasura project directory.
  • config: Added allow_inconsistent_metadata option to hasura section.


  • config: Do not include coinbase datasource credentials in config repr.
  • database: Fixed crash when schema generation should fail with schema_modified.
  • hasura: Stop using deprecated schema/metadata API.
  • index: Fixed unnecessary prefetching of migration originations in operation index.
  • index: Remove disabled indexes from the dispatcher queue.
  • sentry: Flush and reopen session daily.
  • tzkt: Fixed OperationData.type field value for migration originations.
  • tzkt: Added missing last_level argument to migration origination fetching methods.


  • tzkt: Updated current testnet protocol (limanet).
  • deps: Updated asyncpg to 0.27.0
  • deps: Updated hasura to 2.17.0

6.4.3 - 2023-01-05


  • context: Fixed order of add_contract method arguments.
  • index: Fixed matching operations when both address and code_hash filters are specified.
  • sentry: Fixed sending crash reports when DSN is not set implicitly.
  • sentry: Increase event length limit.

6.4.2 - 2022-12-31


  • config: Added http.ratelimit_sleep option to set fixed sleep time on 429 responses.
  • context: Allow adding contracts by code hash in runtime.


  • http: Fixed merging user-defined HTTP settings and datasource defaults.
  • tzkt: Fixed iterating over big map keys.

6.4.1 - 2022-12-22


  • models: Fixed package model detection.

6.4.0 - 2022-12-20


  • cli: update and uninstall commands no longer require a valid config.
  • cli: Fixed a regression in new command leading to crash with TypeError.
  • config: Fixed jobs section deserialization.
  • database: Ignore abstract models during module validation.

6.4.0rc1 - 2022-12-09


  • config: Added optional code_hash field to contract config.
  • context: Added first_level and last_level arguments to ctx.add_index methods.
  • index: Filtering by code_hash is available for operation index.
  • tzkt: Added datasource methods get_contract_address and get_contract_hashes.
  • tzkt: Originations and operations now can be fetched by contract code hashes.
  • tzkt: Added sender_code_hash and target_code_hash fields to OperationData model.


  • codegen: Unresolved index templates are now correctly processed during types generation.
  • demos: Fixed outdated demo_dao project.
  • http: Fixed a crash when datasource URL contains trailing slash.
  • metadata: Add limanet to supported networks.
  • projects: Do not scaffold an outdated poetry.lock.


  • demos: Demos were renamed to better indicate their purpose.
  • exceptions: FrameworkException is raised instead of plain RuntimeError when a framework error occurs.
  • exceptions: Known exceptions are inherited from FrameworkError.
  • tzkt: Some datasource methods have changed their signatures.


  • config: similar_to.address filter is an alias for originated_contract.code_hash and will be removed in the next major release.
  • config: DipDupError is an alias for FrameworkError and will be removed in the next major release.

6.3.1 - 2022-11-25


  • cli: Do not apply cli hacks on module import.
  • codegen: Include PEP 561 marker in generated packages.
  • codegen: Untyped originations are now correctly handled.
  • codegen: Fixed alias config field having no effect on originations.
  • codegen: Fixed optional arguments in generated callbacks.
  • config: Suggest snake_case for package name.
  • config: Fixed crash with RuntimeError when index has no subscriptions.
  • http: Limit aiohttp sessions to specific base URL.
  • index: Do not deserialize originations matched by the source filter.
  • index: Wrap storage deserialization exceptions with InvalidDataError.
  • projects: Fixed Hasura environment in docker-compose examples.



  • ci: mypy --strict is now enforced on a codebase.
  • ci: Finished migration to pytest.

6.3.0 - 2022-11-15


  • context: Added execute_sql_query method to run queries from sql project directory.
  • context: execute_sql method now accepts arbitrary arguments to format SQL script (unsafe, use with caution).
  • index: New filters for token_transfer index.


  • cli: Fixed missing log messages from ctx.logger.
  • codegen: Better PEP 8 compatibility of generated callbacks.
  • context: Fixed SQL scripts executed in the wrong order.
  • context: Fixed execute_sql method crashes when the path is not a directory.
  • database: Fixed crash with CannotConnectNowError before establishing the database connection.
  • database: Fixed crash when using F expressions inside versioned transactions.
  • http: Fixed caching datasource responses when replay_path contains tilde.
  • http: Adjusted per-datasource default config values.
  • project: Use the latest stable version instead of hardcoded values.
  • tzkt: Fixed deserializing of EventData and OperationData models.
  • tzkt: Fixed matching migration originations by address.


  • ci: pytezos extra and corresponding Docker image are deprecated.

6.2.0 - 2022-10-12


  • cli: new command to create a new project interactively.
  • cli: install/update/uninstall commands to manage local DipDup installation.
  • index: New index kind event to process contract events.
  • install: New interactive installer based on pipx ( or dipdup-install).


  • cli: Fixed commands that don't require a valid config yet crash with ConfigurationError.
  • codegen: Fail on demand when datamodel-codegen is not available.
  • codegen: Fixed Jinja2 template caching.
  • config: Allow sentry.dsn field to be empty.
  • config: Fixed greedy environment variable regex.
  • hooks: Raise a FeatureAvailabilityHook instead of a warning when trying to execute hooks on SQLite.


  • cli: Detect src/ layout when guessing package path.
  • codegen: Improved cross-platform compatibility.
  • config: sentry.user_id option to set user ID for Sentry (affects release adoption data).
  • sentry: Detect environment when not set in config (docker/gha/tests/local)
  • sentry: Expose more tags under the dipdup namespace.


  • cli: Up to 5x faster startup for some commands.


  • sentry: Prevent Sentry from leaking hostname if server_name is not set.
  • sentry: Notify about using Sentry when DSN is set or crash reporting is enabled.


  • ci: A significantly faster execution of GitHub Actions.
  • docs: Updated "Contributing Guide" page.

6.1.3 - 2022-09-21


  • sentry: Enable crash-free session reporting.


  • metadata: Updated protocol aliases.
  • sentry: Unwrap CallbackError traceback to fix event grouping.
  • sentry: Hide "attempting to send..." message on shutdown.


  • ci: Do not build default and -pytezos nightly images.

6.1.2 - 2022-09-16


  • config: Added alias field to operation pattern items.
  • tzkt: Added quote field gbp.


  • config: Require aliases for multiple operations with the same entrypoint.
  • http: Raise InvalidRequestError on 204 No Content responses.
  • tzkt: Verify API version on datasource initialization.
  • tzkt: Remove deprecated block field priority.

6.1.1 - 2022-09-01


  • ci: Lock Pydantic to 1.9.2 to avoid breaking changes in dataclasses.

6.1.0 - 2022-08-30


  • ci: Build arm64 images for M1/M2 silicon.
  • ci: Build -slim images based on Alpine Linux.
  • ci: Introduced official MacOS support.
  • ci: Introduced interactive installer (

6.0.1 - 2022-08-19


  • codegen: Fixed invalid template.
  • context: Do not wrap known exceptions with CallbackError.
  • database: Raise DatabaseConfigurationError when backward relation name equals table name.
  • database: Wrap schema wiping in a transaction to avoid orphaned tables in the immune schema.
  • hasura: Fixed processing M2M relations.
  • sentry: Fixed "invalid value environment" error.
  • sentry: Ignore events from project callbacks when crash_reporting is enabled.

6.0.0 - 2022-08-08

This release contains no changes except for the version number.

6.0.0rc2 - 2022-08-06


  • config: Added advanced.crash_reporting flag to enable reporting crashes to Baking Bad.
  • dipdup: Save Sentry crashdump in /tmp/dipdup/crashdumps/XXXXXXX.json on a crash.


  • config: Do not perform env variable substitution in commented-out lines.


  • cli: --logging-config option is removed.
  • cli: All run command flags are removed. Use the advanced section of the config.
  • cli: cache show and cache clear commands are removed.
  • config: http.cache flag is removed.

6.0.0-rc1 - 2022-07-26


  • cli: Added config export --full flag to resolve templates before printing config.
  • config: Added advanced.rollback_depth field, a number of levels to keep in a database for rollback.
  • context: Added rollback method to perform database rollback.
  • database: Added an internal ModelUpdate model to store the latest database changes.


  • prometheus: Fixed updating dipdup_index_handlers_matched_total metric.


  • codegen: on_index_rollback hook calls ctx.rollback by default.
  • database: Project models must be subclassed from dipdup.models.Model
  • database: bulk_create and bulk_update model methods are no longer supported.


  • hooks: Removed deprecated on_rollback hook.
  • index: Do not try to avoid single-level rollbacks by comparing operation hashes.

5.2.5 - 2022-07-26


  • index: Fixed crash when adding an index with new subscriptions in runtime.

5.2.4 - 2022-07-17


  • cli: Fixed logs being printed to stderr instead of stdout.
  • config: Fixed job scheduler not starting when config contains no indexes.

5.2.3 - 2022-07-07


  • sentry: Allow customizing server_name and release tags with corresponding fields in Sentry config.


  • cli: Fixed hasura configure command crash when models have empty Meta.table.
  • config: Removed secrets from config __repr__.

5.2.2 - 2022-07-03


  • hasura: Fixed metadata generation.

5.2.1 - 2022-07-02


  • cli: Fixed setting default logging level.
  • hasura: Fixed metadata generation for relations with a custom field name.
  • hasura: Fixed configuring existing instances after changing camel_case field in config.

5.2.0 - 2022-06-28


  • config: Added logging config field.
  • config: Added hasura.create_source flag to create PostgreSQL source if missing.


  • hasura: Do not apply table customizations to tables from other sources.


  • cli: --logging-config option is deprecated.
  • cli: All run command flags are deprecated. Use the advanced section of the config.
  • cli: cache show and cache clear commands are deprecated.
  • config: http.cache flag is deprecated.

5.1.7 - 2022-06-15


  • index: Fixed token_transfer index not receiving realtime updates.

5.1.6 - 2022-06-08


  • cli: Commands with --help option no longer require a working DipDup config.
  • index: Fixed crash with RuntimeError after continuous realtime connection loss.


  • cli: Lazy import dependencies to speed up startup.


  • docs: Migrate docs from GitBook to mdbook.

5.1.5 - 2022-06-05


  • config: Fixed crash when rollback hook is about to be called.

5.1.4 - 2022-06-02


  • config: Fixed OperationIndexConfig.types field being partially ignored.
  • index: Allow mixing oneshot and regular indexes in a single config.
  • index: Call rollback hook instead of triggering reindex when single-level rollback has failed.
  • index: Fixed crash with RuntimeError after continuous realtime connection loss.
  • tzkt: Fixed origination subscription missing when merge_subscriptions flag is set.


  • ci: Decrease the size of generic and -pytezos Docker images by 11% and 16%, respectively.

5.1.3 - 2022-05-26


  • database: Fixed special characters in password not being URL encoded.


  • context: Do not reinitialize config when adding a single index.

5.1.2 - 2022-05-24


  • tzkt: Added originated_contract_tzips field to OperationData.


  • jobs: Fixed jobs with daemon schedule never start.
  • jobs: Fixed failed jobs not throwing exceptions into the main loop.


  • database: Tortoise ORM updated to 0.19.1.

5.1.1 - 2022-05-13


  • index: Ignore indexes with different message types on rollback.
  • metadata: Add ithacanet to available networks.

5.1.0 - 2022-05-12


  • ci: Push X and X.Y tags to the Docker Hub on release.
  • cli: Added config env command to export env-file with default values.
  • cli: Show warning when running an outdated version of DipDup.
  • hooks: Added a new hook on_index_rollback to perform per-index rollbacks.


  • index: Fixed fetching migration operations.
  • tzkt: Fixed possible data corruption when using the buffer_size option.
  • tzkt: Fixed reconnection due to websockets message size limit.


  • hooks: The on_rollback default hook is superseded by on_index_rollback and will be removed later.

5.0.4 - 2022-05-05


  • exceptions: Fixed incorrect formatting and broken links in help messages.
  • index: Fixed crash when the only index in config is head.
  • index: Fixed fetching originations during the initial sync.

5.0.3 - 2022-05-04


  • index: Fixed crash when no block with the same level arrived after a single-level rollback.
  • index: Fixed setting initial index level when IndexConfig.first_level is set.
  • tzkt: Fixed delayed emitting of buffered realtime messages.
  • tzkt: Fixed inconsistent behavior of first_level/last_level arguments in different getter methods.

5.0.2 - 2022-04-21


  • context: Fixed reporting incorrect reindexing reason.
  • exceptions: Fixed crash with FrozenInstanceError when an exception is raised from a callback.
  • jobs: Fixed graceful shutdown of daemon jobs.


  • codegen: Refined on_rollback hook template.
  • exceptions: Updated help messages for known exceptions.
  • tzkt: Do not request reindexing if missing subgroups have matched no handlers.

5.0.1 - 2022-04-12


  • cli: Fixed schema init command crash with SQLite databases.
  • index: Fixed spawning datasources in oneshot mode.
  • tzkt: Fixed processing realtime messages.

5.0.0 - 2022-04-08

This release contains no changes except for the version number.

5.0.0-rc4 - 2022-04-04


  • tzkt: Added ability to process realtime messages with lag.

4.2.7 - 2022-04-02


  • config: Fixed jobs config section validation.
  • hasura: Fixed metadata generation for v2.3.0 and above.
  • tzkt: Fixed get_originated_contracts and get_similar_contracts methods response.

5.0.0-rc3 - 2022-03-28


  • config: Added custom section to store arbitrary user data.


  • config: Fixed default SQLite path (:memory:).
  • tzkt: Fixed pagination in several getter methods.
  • tzkt: Fixed data loss when skip_history option is enabled.


  • config: Removed dummy advanced.oneshot flag.
  • cli: Removed docker init command.
  • cli: Removed dummy schema approve --hashes flag.

5.0.0-rc2 - 2022-03-13


  • tzkt: Fixed crash in methods that do not support cursor pagination.
  • prometheus: Fixed invalid metric labels.

5.0.0-rc1 - 2022-03-02


  • metadata: Added metadata_interface feature flag to expose metadata in TzKT format.
  • prometheus: Added ability to expose Prometheus metrics.
  • tzkt: Added missing fields to the HeadBlockData model.
  • tzkt: Added iter_... methods to iterate over item batches.


  • tzkt: Fixed possible OOM while calling methods that support pagination.
  • tzkt: Fixed possible data loss in get_originations and get_quotes methods.


  • tzkt: Added offset and limit arguments to all methods that support pagination.


  • bcd: Removed bcd datasource and config section.


  • dipdup: Use fast orjson library instead of built-in json where possible.

4.2.6 - 2022-02-25


  • database: Fixed generating table names from uppercase model names.
  • http: Fixed bug that leads to caching invalid responses on the disk.
  • tzkt: Fixed processing realtime messages with data from multiple levels.

4.2.5 - 2022-02-21


  • database: Do not add the schema argument to the PostgreSQL connection string when not needed.
  • hasura: Wait for Hasura to be configured before starting indexing.

4.2.4 - 2022-02-14


  • config: Added http datasource to making arbitrary http requests.


  • context: Fixed crash when calling fire_hook method.
  • context: Fixed HookConfig.atomic flag, which was ignored in fire_hook method.
  • database: Create missing tables even if Schema model is present.
  • database: Fixed excess increasing of decimal context precision.
  • index: Fixed loading handler callbacks from nested packages (@veqtor).


  • ci: Added GitHub Action to build and publish Docker images for each PR opened.

4.2.3 - 2022-02-08


  • ci: Removed black 21.12b0 dependency since bug in datamodel-codegen-generator is fixed.
  • cli: Fixed config export command crash when advanced.reindex dictionary is present.
  • cli: Removed optionals from config export output so the result can be loaded again.
  • config: Verify advanced.scheduler config for the correctness and unsupported features.
  • context: Fixed ignored wait argument of fire_hook method.
  • hasura: Fixed processing relation fields with missing related_name.
  • jobs: Fixed default apscheduler config.
  • tzkt: Fixed crash occurring when reorg message is the first one received by the datasource.

4.2.2 - 2022-02-01


  • config: Fixed ipfs datasource config.

4.2.1 - 2022-01-31


  • ci: Added black 21.12b0 dependency to avoid possible conflict with datamodel-codegen-generator.

4.2.0 - 2022-01-31


  • context: Added wait argument to fire_hook method to escape current transaction context.
  • context: Added ctx.get_<kind>_datasource helpers to avoid type casting.
  • hooks: Added ability to configure apscheduler with AdvancedConfig.scheduler field.
  • http: Added request method to send arbitrary requests (affects all datasources).
  • ipfs: Added ipfs datasource to download JSON and binary data from IPFS.


  • http: Removed dangerous method close_session.
  • context: Fixed help message of IndexAlreadyExistsError exception.


  • bcd: Added deprecation notice.


  • dipdup: Removed unused internal methods.

4.1.2 - 2022-01-27


  • cli: Added schema wipe --force argument to skip confirmation prompt.


  • cli: Show warning about deprecated --hashes argument
  • cli: Ignore SIGINT signal when shutdown is in progress.
  • sentry: Ignore exceptions when shutdown is in progress.

4.1.1 - 2022-01-25


  • cli: Fixed stacktraces missing on exception.
  • cli: Fixed wrapping OSError with ConfigurationError during config loading.
  • hasura: Fixed printing help messages on HasuraError.
  • hasura: Preserve a list of sources in Hasura Cloud environments.
  • hasura: Fixed HasuraConfig.source config option.


  • cli: Unknown exceptions are no longer wrapped with DipDupError.


  • hasura: Removed some useless requests.

4.1.0 - 2022-01-24


  • cli: Added schema init command to initialize database schema.
  • cli: Added --force flag to hasura configure command.
  • codegen: Added support for subpackages inside callback directories.
  • hasura: Added dipdup_head_status view and REST endpoint.
  • index: Added an ability to skip historical data while synchronizing big_map indexes.
  • metadata: Added metadata datasource.
  • tzkt: Added get_big_map and get_contract_big_maps datasource methods.

4.0.5 - 2022-01-20


  • index: Fixed deserializing manually modified typeclasses.

4.0.4 - 2022-01-17


  • cli: Added --keep-schemas flag to init command to preserve JSONSchemas along with generated types.


  • demos: Tezos Domains and Homebase DAO demos were updated from edo2net to mainnet contracts.
  • hasura: Fixed missing relations for models with ManyToManyField fields.
  • tzkt: Fixed parsing storage with nested structures.


  • dipdup: Minor overall performance improvements.


  • ci: Cache virtual environment in GitHub Actions.
  • ci: Detect CI environment and skip tests that fail in GitHub Actions.
  • ci: Execute tests in parallel with pytest-xdist when possible.
  • ci: More strict linting rules of flake8.

4.0.3 - 2022-01-09


  • tzkt: Fixed parsing parameter with an optional value.

4.0.2 - 2022-01-06


  • tzkt: Added optional delegate_address and delegate_alias fields to OperationData.


  • tzkt: Fixed crash due to unprocessed pysignalr exception.
  • tzkt: Fixed parsing OperationData.amount field.
  • tzkt: Fixed parsing storage with top-level boolean fields.

4.0.1 - 2021-12-30


  • codegen: Fixed generating storage typeclasses with Union fields.
  • codegen: Fixed preprocessing contract JSONSchema.
  • index: Fixed processing reindexing reason saved in the database.
  • tzkt: Fixed processing operations with default entrypoint and empty parameter.
  • tzkt: Fixed crash while recursively applying bigmap diffs to the storage.


  • tzkt: Increased speed of applying bigmap diffs to operation storage.

4.0.0 - 2021-12-24

This release contains no changes except for the version number.

4.0.0-rc3 - 2021-12-20


  • cli: Fixed missing schema approve --hashes argument.
  • codegen: Fixed contract address used instead of an alias when typename is not set.
  • tzkt: Fixed processing operations with entrypoint default.
  • tzkt: Fixed regression in processing migration originations.
  • tzkt: Fixed filtering of big map diffs by the path.


  • cli: Removed deprecated run --oneshot argument and clear-cache command.

4.0.0-rc2 - 2021-12-11


  • Run dipdup init command to generate on_synchronized hook stubs.


  • hooks: Added on_synchronized hook, which fires each time all indexes reach realtime state.


  • cli: Fixed config not being verified when invoking some commands.
  • codegen: Fixed generating callback arguments for untyped operations.
  • index: Fixed incorrect log messages, remove duplicate ones.
  • index: Fixed crash while processing storage of some contracts.
  • index: Fixed matching of untyped operations filtered by source field (@pravin-d).


  • index: Checks performed on each iteration of the main DipDup loop are slightly faster now.

4.0.0-rc1 - 2021-12-02


  • Run dipdup schema approve command on every database you want to use with 4.0.0-rc1. Running dipdup migrate is not necessary since spec_version hasn't changed in this release.


  • cli: Added run --early-realtime flag to establish a realtime connection before all indexes are synchronized.
  • cli: Added run --merge-subscriptions flag to subscribe to all operations/big map diffs during realtime indexing.
  • cli: Added status command to print the current status of indexes from the database.
  • cli: Added config export [--unsafe] command to print config after resolving all links and variables.
  • cli: Added cache show command to get information about file caches used by DipDup.
  • config: Added first_level and last_level optional fields to TemplateIndexConfig. These limits are applied after ones from the template itself.
  • config: Added daemon boolean field to JobConfig to run a single callback indefinitely. Conflicts with crontab and interval fields.
  • config: Added advanced top-level section.


  • cli: Fixed crashes and output inconsistency when piping DipDup commands.
  • cli: Fixed schema wipe --immune flag being ignored.
  • codegen: Fixed missing imports in handlers generated during init.
  • coinbase: Fixed possible data inconsistency caused by caching enabled for method get_candles.
  • http: Fixed increasing sleep time between failed request attempts.
  • index: Fixed invocation of head index callback.
  • index: Fixed CallbackError raised instead of ReindexingRequiredError in some cases.
  • tzkt: Fixed resubscribing when realtime connectivity is lost for a long time.
  • tzkt: Fixed sending useless subscription requests when adding indexes in runtime.
  • tzkt: Fixed get_originated_contracts and get_similar_contracts methods whose output was limited to HTTPConfig.batch_size field.
  • tzkt: Fixed lots of SignalR bugs by replacing aiosignalrcore library with pysignalr.


  • cli: dipdup schema wipe command now requires confirmation when invoked in the interactive shell.
  • cli: dipdup schema approve command now also causes a recalculation of schema and index config hashes.
  • index: DipDup will recalculate respective hashes if reindexing is triggered with config_modified: ignore or schema_modified: ignore in advanced config.


  • cli: run --oneshot option is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. The oneshot mode applies automatically when last_level field is set in the index config.
  • cli: clear-cache command is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Use cache clear command instead.


  • config: Configuration files are loaded 10x times faster.
  • index: Number of operations processed by matcher reduced by 40%-95% depending on the number of addresses and entrypoints used.
  • tzkt: Rate limit was increased. Try to set connection_timeout to a higher value if requests fail with ConnectionTimeout exception.
  • tzkt: Improved performance of response deserialization.

3.1.3 - 2021-11-15


  • codegen: Fixed missing imports in operation handlers.
  • codegen: Fixed invalid imports and arguments in big_map handlers.

3.1.2 - 2021-11-02


  • Fixed crash occurred during synchronization of big map indexes.

3.1.1 - 2021-10-18


  • Fixed loss of realtime subscriptions occurred after TzKT API outage.
  • Fixed updating schema hash in schema approve command.
  • Fixed possible crash occurred while Hasura is not ready.

3.1.0 - 2021-10-12


  • New index class HeadIndex (configuration: dipdup.config.HeadIndexConfig). Use this index type to handle head (limited block header content) updates. This index type is realtime-only: historical data won't be indexed during the synchronization stage.
  • Added three new commands: schema approve, schema wipe, and schema export. Run dipdup schema --help command for details.


  • Triggering reindexing won't lead to dropping the database automatically anymore. ReindexingRequiredError is raised instead. --forbid-reindexing option has become default.
  • --reindex option is removed. Use dipdup schema wipe instead.
  • Values of dipdup_schema.reindex field updated to simplify querying database. See dipdup.enums.ReindexingReason class for possible values.


  • Fixed ReindexRequiredError not being raised when running DipDup after reindexing was triggered.
  • Fixed index config hash calculation. Hashes of existing indexes in a database will be updated during the first run.
  • Fixed issue in BigMapIndex causing the partial loss of big map diffs.
  • Fixed printing help for CLI commands.
  • Fixed merging storage which contains specific nested structures.


  • Raise DatabaseConfigurationError exception when project models are not compatible with GraphQL.
  • Another bunch of performance optimizations. Reduced DB pressure, speeded up parallel processing lots of indexes.
  • Added initial set of performance benchmarks (run: ./scripts/

3.0.4 - 2021-10-04


  • A significant increase in indexing speed.


  • Fixed unexpected reindexing caused by the bug in processing zero- and single-level rollbacks.
  • Removed unnecessary file IO calls that could cause PermissionError exception in Docker environments.
  • Fixed possible violation of block-level atomicity during realtime indexing.


  • Public methods of TzktDatasource now return immutable sequences.

3.0.3 - 2021-10-01


  • Fixed processing of single-level rollbacks emitted before rolled back head.

3.0.2 - 2021-09-30


  • Human-readable 🕺
  • Two new options added to dipdup run command:
    • --forbid-reindexing – raise ReindexingRequiredError instead of truncating database when reindexing is triggered for any reason. To continue indexing with existing database run UPDATE dipdup_schema SET reindex = NULL;
    • --postpone-jobs – job scheduler won't start until all indexes are synchronized.


  • Migration to this version requires reindexing.
  • dipdup_index.head_id foreign key removed. dipdup_head table still contains the latest blocks from Websocket received by each datasource.


  • Removed unnecessary calls to TzKT API.
  • Fixed removal of PostgreSQL extensions (timescaledb, pgcrypto) by function truncate_database triggered on reindex.
  • Fixed creation of missing project package on init.
  • Fixed invalid handler callbacks generated on init.
  • Fixed detection of existing types in the project.
  • Fixed race condition caused by event emitter concurrency.
  • Capture unknown exceptions with Sentry before wrapping to DipDupError.
  • Fixed job scheduler start delay.
  • Fixed processing of reorg messages.

3.0.1 - 2021-09-24


  • Added get_quote and get_quotes methods to TzKTDatasource.


  • Defer spawning index datasources until initial sync is complete. It helps to mitigate some WebSocket-related crashes, but initial sync is a bit slower now.
  • Fixed possible race conditions in TzKTDatasource.
  • Start jobs scheduler after all indexes sync with a current head to speed up indexing.
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